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생활영어: 직업 (1)

직업 | Occupation

직업은 우리 생활의 중요한 부분 중 하나입니다. 우리가 하는 일은 우리의 정체성과 삶의 방식을 형성합니다. 오늘은 일상적이고 재미있는 직업부터 특이한 직업까지 다양한 직업들을 살펴보겠습니다. 함께 알아볼까요?

A로 시작하는 직업

직업 [영어] 발음직업 [한글] 예문
ActorActor배우The actor delivered a powerful performance on stage.
AstronautAh-suh-truh-nawt우주 비행사The astronaut trained rigorously for the space mission.
ArchaeologistAh-kee-uh-law-juh-st고고학자The archaeologist unearthed ancient artifacts.
Air Traffic ControllerAir Trah-fik Kun-troh-ler항공 교통 관제사The air traffic controller ensures the safe landing of planes.
AnimatorAn-i-may-ter애니메이터The animator brings cartoon characters to life.
AudiologistAw-dee-ah-loh-jist청능학자The audiologist helps people with hearing impairments.
AcupuncturistAh-kyoo-puhngk-tyoor-ist침술사The acupuncturist uses needles to alleviate pain.
ActuaryAk-choo-ar-ee보험계리사The actuary calculates insurance risks.

B로 시작하는 직업

직업 [영어]발음직업 [한글]예문
BakerBey-kerBey-kerThe baker prepares fresh bread every morning.
BiologistBy-aw-law-jistBy-aw-law-jistThe biologist studies living organisms in their natural habitat.
BotanistBoh-tuh-nistBoh-tuh-nistThe botanist specializes in the study of plants.
BarberBar-berBar-berThe barber gave a sharp haircut to the customer.
BookkeeperBook-kee-perBook-kee-perThe bookkeeper maintains the company's financial records.
BlacksmithBlak-smithBlak-smithThe blacksmith forged a sturdy horseshoe.
Biomedical EngineerBye-oh-med-i-kul En-ji-neerBye-oh-med-i-kul En-ji-neerThe biomedical engineer designs medical equipment.

C로 시작하는 직업

직업 [영어]발음 직업 [한글] 예문
CarpenterKar-pen-ter목수The carpenter built a beautiful wooden cabinet.
CartographerKar-tog-ruh-fer지도제작자The cartographer creates detailed maps.
ChemistKem-ist화학자The chemist conducts experiments in the lab.
ChoreographerKor-ee-og-ruh-fer무용가The choreographer choreographed a stunning dance routine.
CriminologistKri-muh-nol-uh-jist범죄학자The criminologist analyzes crime patterns.
CuratorKyoo-rey-ter큐레이터 The curator curated an impressive art exhibition.
CameramanKam-er-uh-man카메라맨 The cameraman captured the live event on film.

D로 시작하는 직업

직업 [영어]발음직업 [한글]예문
DentistDen-tist치과의사The dentist filled a cavity for the patient.
DetectiveDee-tehk-tiv형사The detective solved a complex case.
DancerDan-suh댄서The dancer performed an elegant ballet routine.
DiplomatDip-luh-mat외교관The diplomat represents the country in international negotiations.
DietitianDie-ti-shuhn영양사The dietitian creates personalized nutrition plans.
DermatologistDur-muh-tol-uh-jist피부과 의사The dermatologist treats skin conditions.
DrummerDrum-er드러머The drummer kept the rhythm during the concert.
Data AnalystDei-ta An-uh-luh-jist데이터 분석가The data analyst analyzes trends in the company's data.

E로 시작하는 직업

직업 [영어]발음직업 [한글]예문
EconomistEe-kuh-nuh-mist경제학자The economist analyzes economic trends and data.
ElectricianI-lek-tri-shuhn전기 기사The electrician fixed the electrical wiring in the house.
Event PlannerIh-vent Pla-nuhr이벤트 기획자The event planner organized a successful corporate conference.
EpidemiologistE-pi-dee-mee-ol-uh-jist역학 조사자The epidemiologist studies disease outbreaks.
EmbroidererEm-broy-der-er자수사The embroiderer creates intricate designs on fabric.
EcologistE-kol-uh-jist생태학자The ecologist researches ecosystems and environmental patterns.
EthnographerEth-nuh-gra-fer인류학자The ethnographer studies different cultures and societies.
Elevator MechanicEl-uh-vey-ter Muh-kan-ik엘리베이터 기사The elevator mechanic maintains and repairs elevators.

F로 시작하는 직업

직업 [영어]발음직업 [한글]예문
FarmerFah-mer농부The farmer grows crops and raises livestock on his farm.
FirefighterFai-uh-fahy-ter소방관The firefighter bravely extinguished the blazing fire.
FloristFloh-rist플로리스트The florist arranged a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Fashion DesignerFash-uhn Duh-zahy-ner패션 디자이너The fashion designer created a stunning evening gown.
Financial AnalystFi-nan-shuhl An-uh-luh-jist금융 분석가 The financial analyst predicts market trends.
Film DirectorFilm Di-rek-ter영화 감독 The film director won awards for his latest movie.
Flight AttendantFlahyt Uh-ten-duhnt승무원The flight attendant served meals during the long flight.
Forensic ScientistFor-en-sik Sai-en-tist법의학자The forensic scientist examines evidence in criminal cases.

직업 FAQ

가장 발음하기 어려운 직업은 무엇이 있을까요?

Anesthesiologist (uh-nes-thee-zee-ah-loh-jist): 이 직업은 수술 중 환자의 마취를 담당하는 의사입니다.
Archaeologist (ahr-kee-ahl-uh-jist): 고고학자는 고대 유적지를 연구하는 사람을 가리킵니다.
Otorhinolaryngologist (aw-toh-rye-noh-lar-uhn-gaw-loh-jist): 이 의사는 이비인후과와 관련된 질병을 진단하고 치료하는 전문가입니다.
Gastroenterologist (gas-troh-en-tuh-rol-uh-jist)
: 소화기 내과 의사는 위장 및 소화 기관 질환을 다루는 의사입니다.
Entrepreneur (ahn-truh-pruh-nur): 기업가는 비즈니스를 창업하고 운영하는 사람을 의미합니다.
Audiologist (aw-dee-ahl-uh-jist): 청능의사는 청력과 관련된 문제를 진단하고 치료하는 전문가입니다.
이러한 직업들은 그 특수한 발음 조합으로 어려울 수 있지만, 연습을 통해 정확한 발음을 터득할 수 있습니다.

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생활영어: 직업 (2)