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Feelings & Emotions

감정은 우리 삶의 핵심이자 다양한 경험의 중심입니다. 영어로 표현되는 감정은 그 다양성과 풍부함으로 인해 많은 이들에게 끊임없는 탐험 대상이 되고 있습니다. 이 글에서는 영어에서 사용되는 다양한 감정과 그 표현을 알아보면서, 언어의 아름다움과 깊이 속에 감정의 세계를 파헤쳐보겠습니다. 함께 감정의 다채로운 표현을 배워보면서, 새로운 언어의 지평을 넓혀보세요. 그 감정의 고요와 폭풍, 영어로 표현되는 감정의 매력적인 세계로 여러분을 초대합니다.

Positive Feelings & Emotions | A to Z

English KoreanSample Sentence
Adoration숭배The artist received adoration for their masterful work.
Affection애정Expressing affection strengthens relationships.
Amazement놀라움The breathtaking view left them in utter amazement.
Amusement즐거움Laughter and jokes filled the room with amusement.
Appreciation감사Expressing appreciation enhances positive relationships.
Bliss더없이 행복The serene sunset filled her heart with bliss.
Cheerfulness즐거움, 유쾌Her cheerful demeanor brightened up the entire room.
Compassion연민Showing compassion towards others fosters empathy.
Confidence자신감Success boosts one's confidence and self-esteem.
Contentment만족Achieving goals gives a sense of contentment.
Delight기쁨The unexpected gift filled her with delight.
Eagerness간절함The team's eagerness to succeed is truly inspiring.
Ecstasy환희Winning the award filled him with ecstasy.
Elation응원Winning the game filled them with elation.
Empathy공감Showing empathy towards others creates a positive atmosphere.
Empowerment자기 결정력Overcoming challenges brings a sense of empowerment.
Enthusiasm열정Her enthusiasm for the project is contagious.
Excitement흥분The upcoming event is causing a lot of excitement.
Exhilaration들떠 있는The thrilling adventure brought a sense of exhilaration.
Fulfillment성취감Working towards your goals leads to a deep sense of fulfillment.
Generosity관대함Acts of generosity contribute to a kinder world.
Graciousness친절Acts of graciousness create a positive atmosphere.
Gratefulness고마움Expressing gratefulness fosters positive connections.
Gratitude감사I feel deep gratitude for your kindness.
Happiness행복Finding happiness in small moments is essential.
Hope희망Despite challenges, there is always room for hope.
Hopefulness희망Hopefulness is a guiding light during challenging times.
Joy기쁨The news brought me immense joy.
Jubilation환희The crowd erupted in jubilation at the victorious moment.
Love사랑The bond between them is filled with love.
Optimism낙관Maintaining optimism is crucial during tough times.
Peace평화Sitting by the ocean brings me a sense of peace.
Pride자부심She couldn't hide her pride in her accomplishments.
Radiance빛나는 느낌Her smile radiates with warmth and radiance.
Resilience탄력Resilience helps individuals bounce back from adversity.
Satisfaction만족Completing a challenging task brings great satisfaction.
Serenity평온The garden exudes a feeling of serenity.
Tranquility평온Meditation helps in achieving a state of tranquility.
Wonder경이Exploring new places often evokes a sense of wonder.

Negative Feelings & Emotions | A to Z

English KoreanSample Sentence
Agitation동요High-stress situations can induce feelings of agitation.
Alienation소외감Feeling disconnected from others can result in alienation.
Anger분노Unfair treatment can ignite a deep sense of anger.
Anxiety불안Uncertainty about the future can trigger feelings of anxiety.
Betrayal배신Discovering betrayal can lead to profound emotional pain.
Boredom심심함Long periods of monotony often result in boredom.
Confusion혼란Facing a complex situation can lead to feelings of confusion.
Defeat패배Experiencing failure may lead to a sense of defeat.
Despair절망Confronting insurmountable challenges may lead to despair.
Disappointment실망Failing to meet expectations often leads to disappointment.
Disapproval불찰Constant disapproval may impact one's self-esteem.
Discomfort불편Awkward situations often cause feelings of discomfort.
Disconnection연결 끊김The breakdown of relationships can result in disconnection.
Discontentment불만Long-term dissatisfaction can lead to discontentment.
Disgust혐오Witnessing unethical behavior may evoke feelings of disgust.
Distrust불신Betrayal can lead to a deep-seated sense of distrust.
Embarrassment당황Public humiliation often causes feelings of embarrassment.
Envy부러움Comparing oneself to others can breed feelings of envy.
Frustration좌절Repeated setbacks can result in feelings of frustration.
Frustration좌절Repeated setbacks can result in feelings of frustration.
Guilt죄책감Acting against one's values may cause a sense of guilt.
Helplessness무력감The inability to change a situation can lead to helplessness.
Hopelessness절망감Persistent difficulties may foster a sense of hopelessness.
Hostility적의Lingering resentment may evolve into outright hostility.
Humiliation굴욕Public embarrassment can cause deep humiliation.
Insecurity불안감Uncertainty about oneself can lead to insecurity.
Irritation짜증Dealing with annoyances can cause irritation.
Isolation고립Social exclusion can result in a feeling of isolation.
Jealousy질투Fear of losing someone's affection may result in jealousy.
Loneliness외로움Prolonged isolation may intensify feelings of loneliness.
Melancholy우울Reflecting on past losses can bring a sense of melancholy.
Neglect방치Persistent neglect can lead to feelings of neglect.
Nervousness긴장Public speaking often induces nervousness.
Overwhelmed압도Juggling multiple responsibilities may make you feel overwhelmed.
Pessimism비관적A negative outlook on life can result in pessimism.
Powerlessness무력감Being unable to influence a situation may cause powerlessness.
Regret후회Reflecting on past mistakes can bring about deep regret.
Rejection거절Experiencing rejection can be emotionally challenging.
Remorse자한감Recognizing wrongdoing may lead to a sense of remorse.
Resentment원한Long-term grievances may manifest as resentment.
Resignation체념Accepting defeat may bring a sense of resignation.
Sadness슬픔The loss of a loved one can bring overwhelming sadness.
Skepticism회의Persistent doubt and skepticism can hinder trust.
Sorrow슬픔Grieving a loss often brings deep sorrow.
Stress스트레스Work pressure and deadlines can contribute to stress.


영어에서 “emotion(감정)”과 “feeling(감각)”’의 차이는 무엇일까요?

많은 사람들이 헷갈리기 쉬운 ’emotions(감정)’과 ‘feelings(감각)’이라는 두 용어 사이의 차이에 대해 알아보려고 합니다. 이 글에서는 영어에서 이 두 용어가 각각 어떻게 사용되며, 그 차이점에 대해 자세히 살펴보겠습니다. 이를 통해 우리는 각각의 개념이 어떻게 우리의 일상에서 다르게 나타나며, 어떻게 서로 다른 의미를 가지는지를 이해할 수 있을 것입니다.
‘감정’과 ‘감각’의 정의:
‘감정’은 주로 개인의 내면에서 나오는 감정적 반응을 나타내며, 이는 주관적이고 다양한 경험에 따라 변할 수 있습니다. 반면에 ‘감각’은 주로 외부의 자극에 대한 객관적인 반응을 의미하며, 주로 다섯 가지 감각을 포함합니다.
‘감정’은 주관적이고 심리적인 경험으로, 상황에 대한 개인의 개인적인 반응을 나타냅니다. ‘감각’은 주로 객관적이며 생리적인 반응을 나타냅니다.
‘감정’은 복잡하고 추상적이며 종종 사회적 맥락에서 형성됩니다. ‘감각’은 주로 객관적이고 간단한 물리적인 경험을 나타냅니다.
예시로 알아보기:
예를 들어, 어떤 사람이 새로운 도시를 처음 방문했을 때, ‘호기심’이라는 감정을 느낄 수 있습니다. 반면에 도시의 거리에서 들리는 차량 소리와 사람들의 목소리는 ‘감각’으로 이어질 것입니다.
이렇게 ‘감정’과 ‘감각’은 서로 다른 의미를 가지며, 영어에서는 이 두 용어가 각자 고유한 역할을 수행합니다. 각각을 이해함으로써, 우리는 더 정확하게 자신의 감정을 표현하고 다양한 경험을 더 깊이 이해할 수 있을 것입니다.

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