英語を学ぶ上で、直接話法(Direct Speech)と間接話法(Indirect Speech / Reported Speech)は重要な文法項目です。これらを正しく使い分けることで、より自然な英会話や文章表現が可能になります。本記事では、それぞれの違いと使い方について詳しく解説します。
1. 直接話法(Direct Speech)とは?
- She said, “I am happy.”(彼女は「私は幸せです」と言った。)
- He asked, “Where are you going?”(彼は「どこへ行くの?」と尋ねた。)
- Tom said, “I love playing soccer.”(トムは「サッカーをするのが大好きだ」と言った。)
- Mary said, “I will visit my grandmother tomorrow.”(メアリーは「明日、おばあちゃんを訪ねるつもりだ」と言った。)
- He said, “I can swim very fast.”(彼は「私はとても速く泳げる」と言った。)
2. 間接話法(Indirect Speech / Reported Speech)とは?
- She said that she was happy.(彼女は幸せだと言った。)
- He asked where I was going.(彼は私がどこへ行くのか尋ねた。)
- Tom said that he loved playing soccer.(トムはサッカーをするのが大好きだと言った。)
- Mary said that she would visit her grandmother the next day.(メアリーは次の日におばあちゃんを訪ねるつもりだと言った。)
- He said that he could swim very fast.(彼はとても速く泳げると言った。)
- “I like apples,” she said. → She said that she liked apples.
- “I am studying,” he said. → He said that he was studying.
- “I have finished my work,” she said. → She said that she had finished her work.
- “I saw a movie yesterday,” he said. → He said that he had seen a movie the day before.
- “I will call you,” she said. → She said that she would call me.
- “My brother is a doctor,” he said. → He said that his brother was a doctor.
- “I will meet you here tomorrow,” he said. → He said that he would meet me there the next day.
- “We are leaving now,” they said. → They said that they were leaving then.
3. 疑問文の間接話法
疑問文を間接話法にする際には、疑問詞(who, what, where, when, why, how)をそのまま使うか、yes/no で答えられる疑問文の場合は “if” または “whether” を用います。
- “Where do you live?” he asked. → He asked where I lived.
- “When will you come?” he asked. → He asked when I would come.
Yes/No 疑問文を変換する場合
- “Do you like coffee?” she asked. → She asked if I liked coffee.
- “Is this your bag?” she asked. → She asked whether that was my bag.
4. 命令文の間接話法
命令文を間接話法にする際には、通常「tell」「ask」などの動詞を用いて、「to + 動詞」の形に変えます。否定形の場合は「not to + 動詞」となります。
肯定の命令文を間接話法にする場合、「tell」「ask」を使い、「to + 動詞」に変えます。
- “Close the door,” he said. → He told me to close the door.
- “Please help me,” she said. → She asked me to help her.
- “Stand up,” the teacher said. → The teacher told us to stand up.
否定の命令文を間接話法にする場合、「not to + 動詞」の形に変えます。
- “Don’t be late,” she said. → She told me not to be late.
- “Don’t touch that,” he warned. → He warned me not to touch that.
- “Don’t speak loudly,” the librarian said. → The librarian told us not to speak loudly.
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