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How to Prepare for TOEFL Speaking

IELTS, or the International English Language Testing System, is a test that measures English language proficiency. It’s widely used for university admissions, immigration, and professional certification across English-speaking countries.
It is important to study and prepare before your IELTS exam to achieve your best score. Here, we have prepared a guide for you explaining how to prepare for the IELTS exam.

The TOEFL speaking part is necessary because it measures your ability to communicate effectively in English in academic contexts, which is critical for colleges that use English as a primary language. You should use proper vocabulary and grammatically correct sentences in this part. Additionally, you need to be clear and precise when speaking under time limitations.

To do well, pay close attention to the questions, organize your thoughts quickly, and practice speaking clearly and convincingly. The TOEFL exam is required for non-native English speakers seeking admission to English-speaking colleges because it provides a standardized assessment of English competence that universities trust and respect. Furthermore, a high TOEFL score might broaden your academic and career options worldwide. In this post, we offer ten tips for succeeding in the TOEFL exam.

TOEFL Speaking test: 10 tips

The TOEFL speaking section consists of six activities lasting approximately 20 minutes. These consist of two independent activities in which you express your thoughts and four integrated tasks; in those tasks, you will read, listen, and speak with order. You will be given 15 seconds to prepare for the individual activities and 45 seconds to respond. The integrated activities involve synthesizing information from reading passages and hearing sources with preparation times of 20 to 30 seconds and response times of 60 seconds.

Adequate preparation includes:

-Rehearsing within these time constraints.
-Taking detailed notes.
-Organizing your replies with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Regular practice will prepare you to talk confidently and fluently during the test. Here are ten tips for preparing for the speaking part.

Speaking Tip 1- Understand the Format

Make sure you know precisely the structure of the TOEFL speaking section. Knowing what to expect on the test will help you prepare more efficiently.

The format is explained in detail below:

Independent Task: You will discuss a familiar topic or your personal experience.

Integrated tasks include reading, listening, and speaking.
Task 1: You will be asked to share your thoughts about a familiar topic. You have 15 seconds to prepare and 45 more seconds to speak.

Task 2: You will be given a short passage (about 100 words), listen to a brief conversation or lecture (about 60-90 seconds), and then you should answer a question based on the materials you read and listened to. You have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to talk about them.

Task 3: Listen to a conversation including a campus-related topic. You need to respond to the question about a campus-related issue. You will have 20 seconds for preparation and 60 seconds for speaking.

Task 4: Lastly, you will hear a short lecture on an academic subject, which will help you answer a question based on it. You will be given 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to speak.

Speaking Tip 2- Practice Speaking
Take time every day to practice speaking English. Trust the process as you practice every day. Focus on clarity, diction, and fluency. You can choose a topic and practice speaking on it with online resources. It can also be helpful to record yourself to see your progress later.

Here are some ways to practice speaking:

-Make sure to spare at least 30 minutes every day to practice speaking.
-Use a diversity of themes to make sure you expand your vocabulary knowledge.
-Practice speaking in front of a mirror or recording yourself to find where you struggle or are good at.

Speaking Tip 3- Expand your Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary allows you to express yourself more clearly and concisely. You will be able to find the correct phrase or word. The flow of your speaking is crucial. Hesitation during the sentences when searching for the right word would be avoided.

-Make a daily vocabulary list to learn new words almost every day.
-Practice pronouncing the words you have learned. Not knowing how to pronounce the new word you learned can cause misunderstandings.
-Use vocabulary apps or create flashcards as your own.
-Practice how they are used in sentences, and try to use them as much as possible in your spoken and written responses to memorize them.

Speaking Tip 4- Get Feedback

Practice speaking with a teacher or friend who can provide constructive feedback. Getting other people’s criticism can help you identify and correct mistakes. The other may see and detect the mistakes more efficiently than your own.

-Study with a teacher who can provide detailed feedback on your pronunciation, grammar, and content.
-Join language exchange programs or conversation clubs where you can practice with others.
-Use online platforms to practice speaking with native speakers who can provide real-time feedback.

Speaking Tip 5- Use TOEFL Speaking Prompts

Practice with authentic TOEFL speaking prompts. This will give you an idea of the questions asked and how to organize your answers. Check out the earlier questions they asked and how people answered them.

-Find TOEFL speaking practice questions online or in TOEFL prep books.
-Create a similar atmosphere to the one the test will have and be acquainted with.
-Examine your comments, paying particular attention to how well you addressed the topic, the clarity of your argument, and the range of terminology used.

Speaking Tip 6 – Develop Note-Taking Skills

Effective note-taking is essential for the integrated tasks in the TOEFL speaking section. Scribbling down crucial points rapidly can help you arrange your response and ensure that you include all relevant information.

-Practice summarizing short articles or lecture excerpts in a few key points.
-Use symbols and abbreviations to note down information quickly.
-Focus on capturing main ideas, supporting details, and concept relationships.

Speaking Tip 7 – Work on Pronunciation

Clear pronunciation is crucial for being understood. Improving your pronunciation will make your speech more understandable and increase your confidence.

-Practice tongue twisters and read aloud to improve your articulation and fluency.
-Record and listen to your speech, comparing it with native speakers to identify areas in your struggle.
-Focus on intonation and stress patterns, which are essential for natural-sounding speech.

Speaking Tip 8 – Time Management

Managing your time efficiently throughout the speaking segment is critical. Practicing under timed settings can help you adjust to the pressure and ensure you can complete your replies within the time limit.

-Practice answering questions within the time limitations to understand how long 45 and 60 seconds are.
-Create a short outlining technique to organize your thoughts during the preparation period.
-Prioritize clarity and conciseness in your comments to stay under time limitations.
-Set a timer during practice to replicate test circumstances and improve your pace.

Speaking Tip 9 – Study Sample Responses

Analyzing high-scoring sample responses can provide a helpful understanding of what makes an adequate response. Please pay attention to their structure, coherence, and transitions.

-Listen to high-scoring sample responses available in TOEFL prep materials online.
-Note the structure: introduction, main points, supporting details, and conclusion.
-Pay attention to the use of transitions and how ideas are linked together.
-Identify practical phrases and phrases that you can blend into your responses.

Speaking Tip 10 – Simulate Test Conditions

Simulating the test conditions will help you build confidence and get used to the pressure of the actual test environment. This will make you more comfortable and better prepared on test day.

-Take full-length practice tests in a quiet environment similar to the actual test setting.
-Follow the exact timing for preparation and speaking per the TOEFL test guidelines.
-Review your performance, focusing on areas where you paused or went off-topic, and rehearse those areas more intensively.
-Use practice tests to identify patterns in question types and refine your tactics accordingly.

Study with EnglishCentral

Preparing for the TOEFL Speaking section can be daunting, but with the right resources and strategies, you can achieve your desired score. EnglishCentral offers an extensive system to support your journey, featuring over 30,000 interactive videos across seven levels and countless areas of interest.

Our platform allows you to engage in individual study by watching, learning, and speaking. These interactive videos are designed to help you improve your speaking skills in a structured and effective manner. Expand your vocabulary with our learning tools and quizzes. These resources are tailored to boost your word knowledge, which is crucial for the TOEFL Speaking section.

Choose from hundreds of expert teachers to plan private lessons at your convenience, focusing on specific topics you wish to practice. Additionally, you can join group lessons with students worldwide to overcome your fear of public speaking.

Monitoring your progress is crucial in language learning. With EnglishCentral, you can review your lesson reports to identify areas of improvement and focus on what needs development. This feature helps you keep track of your progress and stay motivated.

By using these tools and resources, you can confidently prepare for the TOEFL Speaking section and achieve your goals. Join EnglishCentral today and take the first step towards mastering English and TOEFL!

Frequently Asked Question About TOEFL Speaking

How many parts does TOEFL speaking have?
The TOEFL speaking section consists of four segments.

Is TOEFL speaking face-to-face?
No, TOEFL speaking is not done face to face; instead, you talk into a microphone and record your replies.

What are the speaking topics for TOEFL?
TOEFL speaking themes include personal experiences, viewpoints, campus concerns, and academic topics.

Is TOEFL speaking hard?
TOEFL speaking can be difficult because of time limits, the need to synthesize knowledge from many sources, and the demand for clear and fluent communication.

Would you like to put what you have learned into practice? You can access everything you need to learn English on a single platform! With 25-minute one-on-one live English lessons, 40-minute group lessons, more than 30,000 interactive videos, vocabulary learning tools, AI-supported tutor MiMi, quizzes, and interactive activities, EnglishCentral offers its users a personalized and quality education plan at an affordable price. How about registering for EnglishCentral now and starting to learn English?

How to Improve Your Spoken English
How to Prepare for IELTS Speaking