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Common Business Abbreviations You Need To Know

There is a wide range of business abbreviations and acronyms available to professionals, which can facilitate quick and efficient communication. Some of these are commonly used in professional settings, while others are specific to particular departments like finance, technology, or sales. Familiarizing yourself with these terms can enhance your effectiveness in work environments and improve your understanding of your colleagues. This article presents a compilation of 100 business abbreviations and professional acronyms along with their explanations.

What is an Abbreviation?

An abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or phrase that retains its main meaning. It is typically created by removing some letters from the original word or phrase. Abbreviations are commonly used in writing or speaking to save space, time, or effort. They are frequently employed in various fields such as business, medicine, science, technology, and academia. Abbreviations can be formed by using initial letters (acronyms), parts of words, or a combination of both. For instance, “USA” is an abbreviation for the United States of America, and “etc.” is an abbreviation for et cetera.

100 Business Abbreviations and Professional Acronyms To Know

Here are 100 abbreviations commonly used in business, each accompanied by a detailed description.
BID: Break it down
COB: Close of business
EOD: End of day
EOM: End of message OR end of month
EOT: End of thread
EOW: End of week
ETA: Estimated time of arrival
FTE: Full-time employee
FWIW: For what it’s worth
IAM: In a meeting
IMO: In my opinion
KISS: Keep it simple stupid
LET: Leaving early today
LMK: Let me know
MoM: Month over month
MTD: Month to date
NIM: No internal message
OOO: Out of office
OT: Off topic
OTP: On the phone
PA: Performance appraisal
POC: Point of contact
PTE: Part-time employee
PTO: Paid time off
NRN: No reply necessary
NSFW: Not safe for work
NWR: Not work related
Re: Referring to
RFD: Request for discussion
SMART: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound
SME: Subject matter expert
TED: Tell me, explain to me, describe to me
TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read
TLTR: Too long to read
TOS: Terms of service
TYT: Take your time
WFH: Work from home
WIIFM: What’s in it for me
WOM: Word of mouth
YTD: Year to date
ACCT: Account
AP: Accounts payable
AR: Accounts receivable
BS: Balance sheet
CPU: Cost per unit
CR: Credit
DR: Debit
EPS: Earnings per share
FIFO: First in, first out
IPO: Initial public offering
LIFO: Last in, first out
LWOP: Leave without pay
NAV: Net assets value
P-card: Purchase card
ROA: Return on assets
ROE: Return on equity
ROI: Return on investment
P/E: Price to earnings
P&L: Profit and loss
API: Application program interface
CPU: Central processing unit
CSS: Cascading style sheet
FTP: File transport protocol
HTML: HyperText markup language
HTTP: HyperText transfer protocol
HTTPS: HyperText transfer protocol secure
IM: Instant messaging
IP: Internet protocol
ISP: Internet service provider
OS: Operating system
QA: Quality assurance
UI: User interface
URL: Universal resource locator
UX: User experience
VPN: Virtual private network
RAM: Random-access memory
ROR: Ruby on Rails
RSS: Rich site summary OR really simple syndication
WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get
AIDA: Attention, interest, desire, action
B2B: Business to business
B2C: Business to consumer
BR: Bounce rate
CMS: Content management system
CPC: Cost per click
CTA: Call to action
CTR: Click through rate
CR: Conversion rate
CRM: Customer relationship management
DM: Direct message or direct mail
ESP: Email service provider
GA: Google Analytics
KPI: Key performance indicator
PPC: Pay per click
PV: Page view
RFP: Request for proposal
ROS: Run of site
RT: Retweet
SaaS: Software as a service
SEO: Search engine optimization
SM: Social media
SMB: Small to medium business
SWOT: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
UV: Unique visitor
BD: Business development
CAO: Chief analytics officer
CDO: Chief data officer
CEO: Chief executive officer
CFO: Chief financial officer
CIO: Chief information officer
CMO: Chief marketing officer
COO: Chief operating officer
CPA: Certified public accountant
CSO: Chief security officer
CSR: Corporate social responsibility
CTO: Chief technology officer
CFP: Certified financial planner
DOE: Depending on experience
GC: General counsel
HR: Human resources
PM: Project manager
PR: Public relations
R&D: Research and development

Common Business Abbreviations In Sentences

By examining the examples we provided below, you can fully understand how to use common business abbreviations in your day-to-today office life!
1. We need to review the Q1 financial report before the meeting.
2. The CEO will be attending the AGM next week.
3. Please send the PDF of the contract to the legal team.
4. The ROI for the new project exceeded expectations.
5. The company’s EBITDA margin improved significantly last quarter.
6. Our IT department will implement the ERP system next month.
7. The marketing team is finalizing the SEO strategy for the new website.
8. We need to prepare the P&L statement for the board meeting.
9. The HR department is conducting interviews for the vacant positions.
10. The sales team needs to submit their KPIs by the end of the week.
11. Our company offers a comprehensive HMO plan for employees.
12. The CFO will present the FY forecast at the shareholders’ meeting.
13. The COO is responsible for overseeing daily operations.
14. The QA team identified several issues during the software testing phase.
15. Please RSVP to the RSVP email for the upcoming event.
16. The CMO approved the new marketing campaign proposal.
17. The IT department will conduct a SWOT analysis of our systems.
18. Our R&D team is working on developing innovative products.
19. The CEO will give a keynote speech at the industry conference.
20. We need to schedule a meeting with the PM to discuss project timelines.

Frequently Asked Questions About Common Business Abbreviations

What is the common abbreviation for business?

There are two commonly used abbreviations for the word business, which are bus. and biz.

What is RFD in business

RFD: Request for discussion.

What is QN in business?

It means Quality Notification.

What does ETA stand for in business?

It stands for estimated time of arrival.

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Transitive and Intransitive Verbs